Meets: 3rd Sunday of the month 4:30p Officers 3:00PM
Harmoni Bus/Social Meeting (Sun.) Officer’s Meeting at 3pm Hollywood Senior Center
Feb. 16 Harmoni’s Crab Dinner
(Sun.) Hollywood Senior Center - 4p
RSVP to Abbe by 2/11
See page 3
Harmoni Bus/Social Meeting
(Sun.) Center for Positive Aging
If you have noticed the striking hats worn by Don McTaggart and Alan Tuttle sporting the Lodge name and a US and a Swedish flag, a limited number are available for $18, and can be purchased at Harmoni events for cash or check (made out to Don McTaggart).
Hollywood Senior Center 1820 NE 40th Ave. Portland Oregon 97212
This Year is our 95th anniversary our sister lodge in Sweden lodge Nybyggarna Nr.698 sent us a wonderful card